Fetch RSVPs from Meetup for further processing

I’m running a couple of demos on how and why to use AWS Athena on a Meetup event tonight here at my hometown of Valencia. Before you start arguing about AWS services being closed source, note that Athena is “just” an hosted version of Apache Hive. Like pretty much every AWS service is a hosted version of a famous FOSS project. One of the demos is about fetching the RSVP list and process it from a JSON source to a basic \t separated text file to be further read by Athena.

Fetch monit status in JSON

I wanted to use monit as my desktop-alerting system, meaning that when a service or a machine is unreachable on my personnal network, I’d see a red dot somewhere on my desktop. Why not nagios you’d ask? because my needs are not worth the hassle. Unfortunately, monit does not have simple and nice little desktop apps like nagstamon, so I decided to write my own. It does not seem to be well known, but monit publishes a special URI that shows a status report in XML when the mini-HTTP status server is enabled.