
NetBSD as a Kubernetes Pod

I had to do it. So here’s how to run a NetBSD micro-vm as… a Kubernetes pod. First thing is to modify the start script from the previous article in order to add Docker-style networking, i.e. port forwarding from the host to the micro-vm. This is done using the hostfwd flag in qemu’s -netdev parameter #!/bin/sh kernel=$1 img=${2:-"root.img"} [ -n "$3" ] && drive2="-drive file=${3},if=virtio" qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 256 \ -kernel $kernel -append "console=com root=ld0a" \ -serial mon:stdio -display none \ -drive file=${img},if=virtio $drive2 \ -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::8080-:80 -device virtio-net,netdev=net0 In the previous experience we mapped the kernel and the root image from the host using Docker’s -v parameter, and while it’s possible to map files from the host using a Kubernetes volume, we will bundle NetBSD these files into the Docker image to make things easier.

NetBSD as a Docker Container

I have this little toy project for quite a while now, and I have this idea of handling a fleet of NetBSD micro-vms with Kubernetes since I started my new job in which I am caring a k8s cluster. I came to realize that starting a smolBSD micro-vm with Docker was not so difficult after all. Using mksmolnb’s I came up with this very simple Dockerfile: FROM alpine:latest RUN apk add --quiet --no-cache qemu-system-x86_64 iproute2 bridge-utils COPY startnb.

Testing GPG Keys With Docker... and fail

As a password-store user, GPG is particularly important and sensitive, I use it for pretty much everything authentication / encryption related. Also, about a year ago I got myself a pair of Yubikeys, and they are now involved in all of the mentioned workflows. Now on the topic, as my keys are a crucial part of my online life, I wanted to make sure I had those backuped safely, and moreover, that this backup is usable in an empty environment by simply importing the public and private keys.

From GitLab CI to Docker Hub

With all the noise around those topics I would have imagined this one had been covered thousands of time, yet I did not find a single complete resource on this subject which I found to be a basic building block: pushing docker images from GitLab CI to the Docker Hub registry. There’s actually an opened issue on Docker GitHub’s that’s sitting there for 3 years, and it really feels more like a political / strategic / commercial issue than a technical one.

Run CoreOS on FreeBSD's bhyve

No, I’m not following the hype, only I like to test things plus I feel there will be a growing demand for docker at ${DAYWORK}. I read here and there that CoreOS was the Linux distribution of choice to play with docker, so while at it, I picked up this one to dive into the container world. Finally, I’ve been willing to put my hands on bhyve for quite a while, so I took this opportunity to learn all those new (to me) technologies at once.